
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Bad for Your Teeth?

November 3rd, 2016

Is Hydrogen Peroxide Bad for Your Teeth?Hydrogen peroxide is a medicine cabinet staple. Used for cleaning up scrapes and cuts, it also offers directions for oral use right on the label. But can it be harmful to your teeth? 

What is Hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen Peroxide is an oxidizing agent in clear liquid form. Chemically, all it is is water with an extra oxygen molecule. It acts as a mild antiseptic to prevent skin infections due to cuts and scrapes and can also be used to relieve minor mouth irritations and mucus. When applied to the affected area, the hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen and bubbles up, and the bubbles help clean and disinfect the area by lifting away dead skin cells.

How Do Dentists Use It?

Dentists first used hydrogen peroxide as a treatment for gum disease back in 1913, according to Registered Dental Hygienist Magazine (RDH). It is still used to fight gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums that can be a precursor to periodontitis. It occurs when the bacteria from plaque builds up, causing inflammation, and potentially leading to bleeds when brushing teeth. Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide under these circumstances kills the harmful bacteria and can prevent the inflammation from getting worse, so dentists may recommend it for certain patients.

Periodontitis occurs when gingivitis is left untreated, and the gums and bone pull away from the tooth, creating pockets that can become infected. Dentists use custom-fit prescription trays to deliver the hydrogen peroxide deep into the periodontal pockets and hold it there for more effective treatment of periodontal disease.

Hydrogen peroxide is also a whitening agent and is sometimes used by dentists to help with tooth whitening. The bottled hydrogen peroxide available in stores is generally 3% concentration, but products designed for dentists to use for tooth bleaching can contain up to 10% hydrogen peroxide.

Some over-the-counter whitening products like toothpaste, rinses, and whitening strips contain hydrogen peroxide as their bleaching agent. At home, it can also be combined with baking soda to make natural whitening toothpaste.

Can Hydrogen Peroxide Be Bad for Your Teeth? 

Many dentists do not recommend regular use of hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash or rinse. Regular use can cause irritation of the gums and can be too harsh for those with crowns, fillings, and dental implants.

Some dentists believe hydrogen peroxide can safely be used as an oral rinse if it is diluted with a mixture of water and Listerine. But because it can be so harsh on the gums and enamel, it should only be used if recommended by a dentist. There are other oral rinses available over the counter that contain hydrogen peroxide and may be less abrasive and therefore more suitable for regular use.

Is it Safe to Use at Home?

Hydrogen peroxide on its own should not be used for dental purposes at home unless directed by a dentist. If diluted in a solution of one-part hydrogen peroxide, one-part water, and one part Listerine, it is safe to use as a rinse and could be helpful for the treatment of gingivitis.

Consult a dentist to determine if such a solution is beneficial or if there are other treatments or rinses that would be safer. Hydrogen peroxide combined with baking soda can be used as a natural, at-home whitening toothpaste, but using correct proportions is key to ensuring it’s more helpful than harmful. At Water Tower Dental Care, we offer take-home teeth whitening trays that contain a safe yet effective amount of hydrogen peroxide-bleaching agent.

As always, when considering any at-home remedies, particularly for treating diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis, it’s important to consult a dentist to determine the safest, most effective form of treatment. It’s always safer to purchase ADA-approved products with hydrogen peroxide or receive professional treatments from your dentist. Making your own concoction could be more harmful than beneficial.

If you think you have gum disease or want to whiten your teeth, contact Water Tower Dental Care today! We can examine your pearly whites and put you on a path to effective treatment.

Signs You Need Gum Disease Treatment Therapy

June 2nd, 2016

Signs You Need Gum Disease Treatment TherapyGum disease is no joke. Not only can it be hard to detect if you don’t know what to look for, but gum disease can also cause serious problems down the road. Don’t think you have it? Well, The New York Times notes that more than 75% of American adults have some form of gum disease. It’s important to know the signs of gum disease so that you can get treated before it causes some serious damage. If you do have signs of gum disease, you might need gum disease treatment therapy.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is also called periodontal disease. There are two forms of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that isn’t a serious issue. But unfortunately, it can lead to the more serious periodontitis if left untreated. When you have gingivitis, plaque causes your gums to turn red, become swollen and bleed. You may not even notice that you have gingivitis since it can cause little or no discomfort. Thankfully, it is reversible. That’s why it’s important to take care of your teeth daily and see your dentist regularly.
Periodontitis is really bad news. This more serious type of gum disease occurs when plaque grows below your gum line. The toxins from bacteria in your plaque begin to irritate your gums. These toxins cause your mouth to attack itself, leading your gums to work themselves away from teeth. The holes that are left become infected and your gums and bone begin decomposing.
This can eventually lead to tooth loss and serious bone loss. Periodontitis has also been linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, low birth weight and preterm birth babies, pulmonary diseases, obesity, and pancreatic cancer.

Signs You May Need Gum Disease Treatment Therapy

  • Gums bleeding while you are eating, brushing or flossing
  • Receding gums or gums that are pulling away from your teeth
  • Sores growing in your mouth
  • Loose teeth
  • Teeth that are separating from your gums
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away
  • Puss in between your gums and teeth
  • Teeth that no longer fit together the same way


[caption id="attachment_2486" align="alignleft" width="300"]Before Gum Disease Treatment Therapy at Water Tower Dental Care Before Gum Disease Treatment Therapy[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2485" align="alignright" width="300"]After Gum Disease Treatment Therapy at Water Tower Dental Care After Gum Disease Treatment Therapy[/caption]

How Gum Disease Treatment Therapy Works

If you have gingivitis, you don’t need gum disease treatment therapy. Simply brushing and flossing at home, along with an effective treatment from a dental professional, can reverse gingivitis and keep you from getting periodontitis.
Once you get into the dangerous territory of periodontitis, you may need gum disease treatment therapy. At Water Tower Dental Care, our gum disease specialist treats periodontitis with non-surgical and surgical techniques. We do this to alleviate gum disease and reattach your gum and teeth. We may use both traditional hand instrumentation, ultrasonic scaling and diode lasers. We recommend diode lasers to reduce and eliminate bacteria, prevent the spread of infection and to allow for a more comfortable procedure.
Gum disease treatment therapy helps to stop periodontitis from developing and reverses it. It’s imperative that you get treated as soon as possible before you run into serious tooth and bone issues. Contact us to find out if you have gum disease and how you can stop it. We want to protect your mouth from the perils of plaque.

Gum Disease Treatment At Home: Tips To Keep Your Gums Healthy

March 10th, 2016

Gum Disease Treatment at Home: Tips to Keep Your Gums HealthyWhile people usually focus on keeping their teeth pearly white, your gums should not be overlooked. Even if your teeth are as healthy as they can be, your gums may not be free from disease. As gum disease is usually painless, it often goes unnoticed. Gum disease, however, is treatable and the damage can fortunately be reversed. Learn more about gum disease and treatments at home to prevent your gums from looking like this!

Gum Disease: What is it?

Gum disease is caused by plaque buildup. Without proper oral hygiene, plaque can build up along your gum line and ravage your teeth! Gingivitis will cause your gums to become inflamed, red and swollen, making your gums prone to bleeding when you brush. Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease, damaging the bones that hold your teeth in place.

Signs You May Have Gum Disease!

According to the American Dental Association, signs you may have gum disease include:

  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Swollen/red gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Tooth loss

Home Treatments for Gum Disease

While nothing can replace visiting the dentist, if you have experienced any of the symptoms related to gum disease, there are home remedies that can help to keep your gums healthy.

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide: This chemical works as an agent to kill germs and fight gum disease. Mix the 3% solution with water and wash out your mouth once a day to help treat gum disease
  2. Oil pulling: In this method, oil pulls toxins right out of your mouth! Swish an organic oil such as sesame seed oil around your mouth once a day, until it turns milky, then spit it out. This should get your gums in tip top shape in no time! Learn more about oil pulling here.
  3. Aloe Vera: This plant has great natural inflammatory properties. Swish some aloe vera juice around your mouth, or rub some aloe vera gel on your gums to help reduce swelling and gum disease.
  4. Garlic and Turmeric Toothpaste: With both foods having natural antibacterial properties, making and using a garlic and turmeric toothpaste is a great home remedy to gum disease.
  5. Drinking Green tea: Besides being good for the body, green tea has natural antioxidants that will help reduce gum inflammation.
  6. Warm saltwater rinse: Saltwater can help reduce inflammation and kills deadly bacteria, Check out more of the benefits of saltwater

Along with these home treatments for keeping your gums healthy, you should visit a dentist if you experience gum disease symptoms. Let Water Tower Dental Care take care of you. Learn about some of our treatments.

Ways to Prevent Gum Disease and Keep your Gums Healthy

Gum disease can be prevented with good oral hygiene. Here are a few ways you can prevent gum disease on your own at home, before you even have to worry!

  1. Floss Daily, Brush Twice a Day. Both flossing and brushing will prevent plaque and food buildup, helping to keep your gums nice and healthy.
  2. Therapeutic mouthwash. Using an antibacterial mouthwash will help reduce plaque and gingivitis.
  3. Fluoride toothpaste. Use fluoride toothpaste, which will keep your gums looking fresh and reduce plaque.
  4. Do not smoke. Smoking is associated with the onset of gum disease as it weakens your immune system. Keep your body in grade-A shape by avoiding this habit altogether.
  5. Get regular checkups and cleanings! Nothing can replace getting your teeth cleaned regularly by a professional, as well as getting a regular checkup to prevent gum disease at the beginning, before gingivitis turns into periodontitis. If you have a family history of gum disease, regular checkups are especially important and may need to be more frequent, as gum disease can be genetic. Come into Water Tower Dental Care today to get started!

Gingivitis vs. Healthy Gums: What Each Look and Feel Like

July 9th, 2015

Gingivitis vs. Healthy Gums: What Each Look and Feel LikeWhen it comes to mouths, people typically care most about their teeth. But your gums are just as important as your pearly whites. Gums hold your teeth together, keep them protected from bacteria, can give you bad breath, and can even affect your overall health. So how do you know how healthy your gums are? Our dental experts are going to walk you through the differences between the look and feel of gums with gingivitis vs. healthy gums.

What is Gingivitis?

Many people have gingivitis without even knowing it. You might even have it as you’re reading this now. Since it’s a mild form of gum disease, it can be hard to detect. But it’s very common. Gingivitis occurs when the bacteria in plaque build up around your gums, causing a variety of reversible symptoms. Symptoms of this early stage of gum disease include gum swelling, receding, pain, irritation, bleeding and redness. If you don’t treat gingivitis, it can lead to more serious gum disease, or periodontitis, which is the primary cause of adult tooth loss.

What Do Healthy Gums Look and Feel Like?

As long as you take good care of your gums and teeth with daily flossing and brushing, your gums should be pretty healthy. Here are some of the features of healthy gums:

  • They look pink, although this may vary depending on your natural complexion. If gums are white, red, or unnaturally black, you may have gingivitis or gum disease.
  • They are firm and unable to be moved.
  • They are tight around your teeth teeth.
  • They haven’t receded.
  • They don’t bleed when you brush your teeth or eat hard foods.
  • They aren’t swollen or puffy.

What Does Gingivitis Look and Feel Like?

If you don’t brush your teeth or floss properly, you may develop gingivitis. Here are some common features of gingivitis to look out for on your gums:

  • They look and feel swollen.
  • They bleed easily when you brush your teeth, eat or get your teeth cleaned by the dentist.
  • They are occasionally painful, tender or irritating.
  • They feel soft to the touch.
  • Their color changes from pink to red.
  • You have bad breath.
  • Your gums are receding.

What Causes Gingivitis?

The most common cause of gingivitis and gum disease is plaque. Plaque is made up of bacteria that irritates your gums and eats away at your teeth enamel. It forms around your gums and teeth when the food you eat interacts with the normal bacteria in your mouth. That’s why it’s important to get food and plaque out of your mouth by thoroughly brushing and flossing.
The longer plaque is left in your mouth, the more likely it is to harden and turn into tartar. Tartar is much more difficult to get rid of than plaque, typically requiring a dentist to remove. It’s basically like a shield for bacteria to eat away at your gums and teeth. If left untreated, this eventually leads to your gums becoming very irritated and unhealthy as you begin to develop gum disease.
As long as you only have gingivitis, you can always get rid of it with proper oral hygiene techniques and a visit to the dentist. Don’t let gingivitis cause irreversible damage by developing into more serious gum disease. If you think you might have gingivitis, book an appointment with us at Water Tower Dental Care. Our number one Chicago practice can let you know the status of your gums and put you on the right path to a healthier smile.

Pregnancy and Oral Health

May 15th, 2014

pregnancy and dental healthThere are many side effects to pregnancy. We all have heard of morning sickness or the late night cravings that some women can get. However, pregnancies can also bring another change in a woman’s body: a heightened risk of gingivitis.
Some women will notice between the second and eighth month of pregnancy that their gums can become inflamed, redder, and bleed when brushing their teeth. This is often referred to as “pregnancy gingivitis” and typically settles down after the mother gives birth.

There are several reasons why pregnant women may experience an upsurge of gingivitis symptoms. One reason is that pregnant women receive an increased level of the hormone progesterone, a hormone specific to helping gestation. This hormone, however, can enhance the growth of bacteria that can cause gingivitis. Secondly, because the woman’s body is experiencing so many changes, the immune system has to recalibrate and focus on new concerns with the body. Much of that concern is taken away from the gums and the bacteria that can cause gingivitis.
To avoid irritated and inflamed gums from gingivitis, Water Tower Dental recommends a solid routine of proper oral hygiene. This includes brushing at least twice a day for two or more minutes, flossing, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. We also recommend a healthy diet of fresh fruit and vegetables that can help keep your mouth salivating and washing away any bad bacteria. Make sure to talk to your doctor about proper diet techniques, specific to you, that can help keep your mouth and gums stay healthy.
While the gums are usually of biggest concern during a pregnancy, there are other potential issues that can arise. Some pregnant women often experience an increase in cavities due to more adventurous snacking, especially at nighttime when saliva production is low. Often the snacking can occur after the woman has brushed her teeth, which then leaves potential for bacteria growth as plaque and tartar build through the night.
Another concern for pregnant women is that often acid erosion can make teeth, gums, and lips sore. Vomiting that’s associated with morning sickness and acid reflux causes this. However both of these concerns are much less severe than the amount of pregnant women who can experience gingivitis.
It’s wise to continue to have regular dental check ups during a pregnancy, especially if you’re experiencing inflamed, red gums. Often a detailed cleaning by a professional technician can help reduce the effects of gingivitis and in some cases, completely stop the bacteria in its tracks. If you have any concerns about your gums and oral hygiene during your pregnancy, do not hesitate to contact Water Tower Dental we are happy to help.

The Signs and Cures for Gum Disease

July 24th, 2013

what is gum diseaseTo keep a healthy smile, one must focus on the gums just as much as their teeth. Without proper care, gums can harbor many harmful types of bacteria that can result in gum disease. We already listed the best ways for proper gum care, so today we'd like to discuss the signs and cures for gum disease.

What is Gum Disease?

Gingivitis is often generally called gum disease, however the two are separate. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums while periodontitis is full on gum disease. Without proper care, your gums will first contract gingivitis, and later, if nothing is done about the inflammation, periodontitis will develop.

Gingivitis is caused by bacteria build up in plaque, a sticky, colorless film that forms on the teeth. The more plaque builds up, the more bacteria can multiply and cause harm. The gums will become inflamed and irritated. At this point, the gums can easily begin to bleed while brushing your teeth or eating certain kinds of food.
At this point, it's very easy to reverse the symptoms of gingivitis by following proper care techniques. Refer to our blog post on proper care for your gums. Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy can reverse the symptoms and keep your gums in great shape. However, if you continue to ignore the problem, more serious symptoms can occur.
When someone contracts periodontitis, bacteria will fill in the pockets where gum and bone have separated from the teeth. These small spaces allow for bacteria to multiply quickly and collect debris. The more infected the gums become, the more the bacteria are able to spread below the gum line. As the immune system fights the bacteria, and the bacteria continue to grow, more of the connective tissue between the bone and teeth is broken down. The longer this continues, the more your teeth lose their connection to the gums and will loosen and even fall out. Not a pretty sight if you ask us.
If you think you may have contracted periodontitis, consider if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding Gums
  • Inflamed Gums
  • Bad taste in mouth or constant bad breath
  • A receding gum line
  • Loose teeth

These symptoms are only partial signs to gum disease. Some patients can have periodontitis without knowing. Often, gum disease can only affect certain teeth.
Water Tower Dental now has three laboratory tests available to their patients that can help detect different kinds of bacteria that cannot only cause gum disease but HPV and oral cancer as well.
MyPeriol D PST test detects specific changes in DNA that might increase the risk of gum disease.
MyPerioPath are for patients with gum disease that need to know which bacteria are triggering the disease. Certain bacteria are more resistant to certain antibiotics, knowing which ones are causing the disease can help the dentist determine the best treatments.
OraRisk HPV can determine if you have an HPV infection in your mouth and if you have a high risk of contracting an HPV-related oral cancer.

Laser Treatments for Gum Disease (Periodontitis)

To treat gingivitis and periodontitis, Water Tower Dental recommends regularly cleaning and the use of a diode laser and a procedure known as Laser Bacterial Reduction, or for more intense cases, Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy (aka LAPT).

Laser Bacterial Reduction

The biggest difference between Laser Bacterial Reduction and LAPT, other than the laser used, is that Laser Bacterial Reduction is more preventative while LAPT addresses more serious problems.
Laser Bacterial Reduction helps keep gingivitis and periodontitis at bay by addresses three issues. First it helps reduce and eliminate bacteria that can easily infect other areas of the body. Second, it keeps any infections from spreading. It’s extremely simple for bacteria to move from one area of the mouth to another. The diode laser used to kill bacteria keeps any contaminated areas from infecting others. Last, it kills any potential bacteria in the beginning stages of periodontal disease before it causes any physical destruction of the gums.

Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy

However, if the dentist discovers a full fledged periodontal disease. Using soft tissue dental lasers along with Ultrasonic Scalers, the localized laser penetrates the periodontal pockets and any disease-infected area to kill bacteria by rupturing the cell’s wall. The laser is very accurate and holds a 90% success rate in killing bacteria. Water Tower Dental recommends this treatment above any other to treating periodontal disease.
As well, antibiotics are often used to help kill bacteria that are harmful to your gums. Chlorhexidine is a general antibiotic often prescribed to help control plaque and gingivitis.
Though there are treatments for periodontitis, the best treatment is daily proper gum care. If you continue to keep healthy gums by brushing, flossing, and eat healthy, you should have no problems in the future. If you are experiencing inflammation of the gums, bleeding, or discomfort, contact Water Tower Dental today and set up an appointment to help prevent further damage.