discolored teeth

White Discoloration On Teeth: What It Means & How to Fix

February 18th, 2016

White Discoloration On Teeth: What It Means & How to FixEveryone hates teeth discoloration, which is why whitening strips are so popular. But what do you do when the discoloration appears in the form of white spots on your teeth? Although these spots are primarily a cosmetic concern, they can affect oral health and should be treated.


White discoloration on teeth, more common yet less discussed, are due to the demineralization and loss of enamel on the tooth. Common causes of demineralization include poor brushing habits and poor diet choices. White spots (or hypoplasia) can form in children if there is disruption in enamel formation, or if you use too much fluoride toothpaste.
When these unsightly white spots appear in adults, they are often the sign of tooth decay and plaque formation. When plaque builds up, bacteria forms that leads to demineralization, the first step in tooth decay. This can be common when braces are taken off, as plaque often builds in hard-to-reach places underneath braces (white spots are often more common in orthodontic patients).

Preventing White Discoloration

While treatments for these white spots are available (we’ll discuss these later), prevention is also possible. Here are a few easy steps you can take to prevent white spots from appearing on your teeth!

  1. Brushing well! Nothing prevents demineralization and plaque buildup better than brushing thoroughly two times a day.
  2. Flossing every night. Flossing can also help drastically reduce plaque buildup and therefore reduce those unappealing white spots!
  3. Less soda, more water.  Soda causes acidic buildup, which demineralizes your teeth faster. Drink more water to help prevent this.
  4. Eat healthy, snack less. Choosing foods that contain less sugar (and therefore less demineralizing bacteria) that break down calcium in the teeth will help prevent decalcification and the formation of white spots. Consider mineral and calcium rich foods, such as milk and cheese. Also, try to eat foods high in magnesium, as this mineral helps your body absorb and retain calcium.

Treating White Spots

Especially in orthodontic cases, white spots that form may need to be treated, despite preventive measures that were taken. Here are some of the best treatments for white spots on your teeth.

  1. Before and After Remineralization Treatment for White Discoloration on Teeth at Water Tower Dental CareBleaching your teeth. Dentists can professionally assess the damage and bleach your teeth to make these spots less visible, as well as seal enamel in order to strengthen your teeth again. At Water Tower Dental Care, we use Zoom! Teeth Whitening to bleach teeth in under an hour!
  2. Composite bonding. In this procedure, resin is molded onto your teeth, helping to conceal white spots and giving you a straighter, whiter smile.
  3. Air or microabrasion.  Consider techniques in which your dentist can remove spots by scuffing the area with abrasive material. These techniques should only be used for small to medium white spots, as too much abrasion can further damage your teeth.
  4. Topical Remineralization Therapy. These prescription toothpaste and gel treatments help remineralize your teeth faster by treating the microscopic holes causing the white spots. The photo above and to the right shows a patient of ours before and after enamel remineralization therapy.

In all, white spots are undesirable to most. While prevention is ideal, treatment is often necessary. Luckily, Water Tower Dental Care can help with this white discoloration treatment to get your teeth sparkling white again!

Yellow Teeth After Braces: Why It Happens & How to Fix It

December 17th, 2015

Yellow Teeth After Braces: Why It Happens & How to Fix ItThe last thing you want is yellow teeth after years of wearing braces. But unfortunately, it’s a very common occurrence. If you don’t take care of your mouth while you’re wearing braces, you might be surprised to see white squares where your braces were on yellow-stained teeth after your dentist removes them. Thankfully, it’s easy to avoid this experience. Here are some reasons why people get yellow teeth after braces and how to prevent this from happening. We’ll also talk about how you can fix stained teeth after braces.

Brush Properly With A Toothbrush Made for Braces

With all the brackets and wires crowding your teeth, it’s easy for plaque to build up in hard-to-reach places. That’s why it’s especially important for you to brush properly when you have braces. When plaque is left to sit on your teeth, your teeth start to decay, causing them to turn yellow.
People with braces should ask their dentist about electric toothbrushes that are specifically designed for mouths with braces. These brushes will have bristles that are made to remove plaque around brackets and get through wires.

Floss Every Day, Getting Those Hard-to-Reach Spots

Having braces can feel like a great excuse to not floss, since it’s harder to reach the spaces between your teeth. But with more bacteria buildup, it’s extremely important to floss with braces. Just like with brushing, flossing every day will help keep your teeth from decaying and turning yellow.
Superfloss is the best type of floss for people with braces. It’s made up of three types of floss: soft spongy floss, a stiffened-end threader, and regular floss. The stiffened-end threader makes it easier to get between your braces, and the large spongy floss helps you clean around your brackets and wires.

Avoid Tooth-Staining Food

Some food and drinks contain colored properties that can stick to your teeth’s enamel and change their beautiful white color to yellow. These include soda and “sports drinks”, hard and gummy candy, red wine, and coffee. It’s best to avoid these teeth-staining foods and drinks as often as possible, or slowly consume them with glass of water. When you do eat or drink them, wash out your mouth and brush afterwards to keep them from staining your teeth.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking is a big culprit of yellowing teeth, along with other horrible diseases and issues. There’s really no good reason to continue smoking. One of the many effects of smoking is yellowing teeth, caused by the nicotine and tar in tobacco. This can occur not just from smoking, but also from chewing tobacco. Tobacco use is one thing you should quit for good - not just when you have braces.

Use Invisalign Instead of Traditional Braces

If you haven’t had braces yet, you should consider using Invisalign instead of traditional braces. Since Invisalign braces are removable, it’s much easier to keep your braces and teeth clean, reducing the chance that your teeth will turn yellow. Brushing and flossing will be exactly the same as when you didn’t have braces!

Receive Teeth Whitening Treatment After Braces

If your teeth begin yellowing while you have braces, you don’t have to say goodbye to your pearly whites for good. Ask your dentist about teeth whitening after braces! At Water Tower Dental Care, we use Zoom! Teeth Whitening to change the color of your teeth dramatically after just one visit. This leading teeth whitening system brightens up your smile up to 8 shades in about an hour. It’s as easy as that.
Don’t settle for a yellow smile. Contact us to learn more about whitening your teeth after braces! There’s no better place to bring back your beautiful smile than at Chicago’s top cosmetic dentistry.

Getting Brighter, Whiter Teeth

August 14th, 2013

Are you tired of at-home teeth-whitening remedies that promise big results but fail to deliver? Do you want guaranteed brighter, whiter teeth? It may be time to stop trying methods that don't work and start talking to Water Tower Dental Care for a teeth-whitening experience that will bring noticeable changes.

What Causes Discolored Teeth?

teeth whitening before afterThere are two ways your teeth can become discolored.
1. When eating and drinking, your teeth attract small amounts of the food, minerals, and microorganisms onto your teeth. This sticky build up is known as plaque. The more you eat and drink, the more plaque builds up. If plaque isn't taken care of within 24 hours (by brushing and flossing), a much harder layer forms known as tartar. While plaque can be removed with a simple cleaning, tartar is much harder to handle. This is when teeth start to discolor.
Tartar is a perfect medium for further plaque build up, discoloration, and tooth decay.

2. The second way that teeth become discolored is by loss of enamel, the protective layer on your teeth that give them their shiny, white look.
Enamel is like a “force field” for your teeth, it protects from food particles and the destructive impact of chewing and grinding. However, over time enamel can wear and crack, which allows for food particles to stain and further break down the enamel.
If proper dental care and cleaning is avoided, this enamel can break down to the point that the underlying layer, a yellowish material known as dentin is seen. If your teeth are stained from exposed dentin, you have much worse problems than a yellow mouth and will need special attention to repair and clean your teeth.

How To Treat Discolored Teeth

Some tartar build up cannot be removed by just brushing your teeth; a dental appointment is necessary. First you will want to schedule a regular cleaning to help break up and remove the top layers of tartar on your teeth. The more that can be removed, the whiter your teeth will look.
Next, because even a dental cleaning can't remove all of the staining caused by tartar and diet, you will want to schedule a teeth-whitening treatment.
Tower Dental Care uses the Zoom! treatment to brighten teeth up to 8 shades. The process is quite simple: first a special pH-balanced hydrogen peroxide solution is applied to the teeth. Then we use a low-heat light to activate the solution. The light will stimulate the gel and allow it to penetrate inside the tooth's surface. This process is repeated 3 times with 15 minute intervals.

zoom teeth whitening

Of course, if you aren't comfortable with sitting in the dentist's chair too long, Water Tower Dental Care offers a take-home teeth-whitening kit using custom bleaching trays and professional strength whitening gel. Similar to the Zoom! treatment, the teeth whitening gel breaks down the toughest layers of tartar to remove any discoloration on your teeth.
As mentioned before, if the teeth are discolored from the wear down of enamel, you may have bigger problems to deal with. Enamel is essential in protecting your teeth and preventing decay. If you have lost a considerable amount of enamel on any of your teeth, your dentist may recommend porcelain or resin to protect your teeth from further damages.
Whatever shape your teeth are in, if they're discolored and you want a whiter, brighter smile, Water Tower Dental Care can help. Don't hesitate to call us and set up an appointment for a cleaning. That's the best time for us to determine the next steps to making your smile memorable.