
Can You Use Too Much Mouthwash?

October 6th, 2016

Can You Use Too Much Mouthwash?Everyone wants to maintain a healthy mouth with minty fresh breath. But if you use too much mouthwash, you might not get the intended results. Studies have shown that when it comes to mouthwash, there can be too much of a good thing.

How Much is Too Much?

Dentists often recommend mouthwash as part of a healthy oral hygiene routine. A study of 4,000 people conducted by the University of Glasgow in Scotland found that people who used antibacterial mouthwash more than three times a day had an increased risk of developing mouth and throat cancers. Some dentists also feel that certain types of mouthwash are too harsh and should never be used.

The Consequences of Using Too Much Mouthwash

The Glasgow study showed that excessive use of mouthwash – three or more times a day – correlated with an increased risk of certain oral cancers; that doesn't necessarily mean, however, that using too much mouthwash automatically causes cancer.

People who frequently use mouthwash to clean their mouths and teeth may be at a higher risk for some oral cancers because of poor overall oral hygiene. Some may rely on mouthwash to cover up odors from unhealthy habits such as smoking, chewing tobacco or drinking alcohol, behaviors that are already damaging to the teeth and gums as well as the overall mouth health.

Others may use mouthwash or an oral rinse as a substitute for routine brushing, flossing, and dental visits. While mouthwash can be an occasional “quick fix” to kill bacteria and freshen breath, everyone – particularly those who smoke or drink alcohol – still needs to follow a routine of daily brushing and flossing.

Mouthwashes that are alcohol-based can be dangerous in any quantity because the alcohol destroys the natural mucous in the mouth that should shield and protect the mouth from cancer-causing irritants. Without the natural mucous barrier, a person’s risk of developing oral cancer rises.

A smoker, for example, is already at an increased risk of certain types of cancer. If that person also regularly uses an alcohol-based mouthwash to rinse after smoking, he is repeatedly rinsing out the protective mucous, eliminating the body’s natural defense mechanism and further increasing the risk of developing cancer.

Another problem with using too much mouthwash is that many of the “bad” bacteria are found beneath the gum line, and a quick rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash will usually only kill the “good” bacteria in the mouth without affecting the potentially dangerous bacteria below. When the good bacteria are gone, the mouth becomes even more susceptible to infections as the harmful elements are allowed to grow unchecked.

Rinsing with an alcohol-based mouthwash eliminates the protective properties of the mouth’s natural mucous production and can also cause the mouth to feel dry. Dry mouth can lead to more bad breath, causing people to reach for more mouthwash. It’s a cycle that, combined with other poor hygiene habits, can put people at a high risk for oral cancers.

How to Properly Use Mouthwash

Dentist recommendations on the use of mouthwash vary based on the dentist and the patient. Those who choose to use mouthwash as part of their oral hygiene regimen should choose a gentler rinse that does not contain alcohol and follow the instructions on the label.

A general rule of thumb for safe use is to limit the use of mouthwash to one time per day, in conjunction with brushing the teeth and flossing two to three times per day and visiting the dentist one to two times per year for routine oral health exams and screenings for oral cancers.

Worried your mouthwash is doing more harm than good? Make an appointment to visit Water Tower Dental Care today! We can take a look at your mouth and recommend a safe mouthwash based on your needs, whether you have a sensitive mouth or need more aggressive care.


How Bad Oral Hygiene Can Affect the Rest of Your Body

March 19th, 2015

How Bad Oral Hygiene Can Affect the Rest of the BodyBelieve it or not, neglecting your teeth and gums can affect the rest of your body, including your heart, blood, and respiratory system. The mouth is the gateway to the body, and as bacteria builds inside the mouth, it can drastically hurt the rest of your body.
The usual culprit for increasing your risk of other diseases is periodontal (or gum) disease. This is when enough food and sugars collect between your teeth and gums to allow bacteria to thrive. The more the bacteria thrives, the more inflamed your gums become. The inflammation of gums can restrict blood flow and cause further complications in the body.

Here are several ways that bad oral hygiene may affect your body.

Increased Risk of Stroke

Studies have shown people with periodontal disease are more likely to develop heart disease. This is due to bacteria and plaque from the gums entering the bloodstream, which contains a clot-promoting protein. As well, inflammation in the mouth causes inflammation in other blood vessels, adding to the risk.

Increased Risk of Diabetes

The relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease seem to be a two way street. Many people with diabetes will have a harder time fighting gum disease because they are more susceptible to infection.
However, inflammation can also weaken the body’s ability to control its blood sugar. This, in turn, gives you a higher risk of diabetes. The good news is that you can work the relationship to your favor: by controlling one of the issues, you can help bring the other under control.

Increased Risk of Dementia

There may be a relationship between gum disease and tooth loss, and your risk of dementia and early stage Alzheimer’s disease. The relationship is due to the infections in the gums that release inflammatory substances that can affect the inflammation of the brain, causing neuronal (brain cell) death.

Increased Risk of Cancer

A study recently showed that men with gum disease had increased chances of developing kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, and blood cancer. Some increased by 50% or more. As well, bad oral hygiene is directly attributed to oral cancers.

Other Potential Risks

Linking periodontal disease with other issues is a relatively new practice. Doctors are making strides in finding more connections that can help people understand the importance of good oral hygiene. Other potential risks being considered include:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lung Conditions including pneumonia and pulmonary disease
  • Obesity

Of course, all of these diseases can be caused by a lot more than just bad oral hygiene. But if keeping your teeth clean, flossing, brushing, and visiting a dentist on a regular basis can help decrease your risk of having these diseases, it seems like a no-brainer that you should take care of your teeth.
If you have any more questions about how to help prevent periodontal disease and keep your teeth under proper care, contact Water Tower Dental today, Chicago’s #1 rated dentist office.