xylitol gum

5 Unusual Tips to Keep Your Gums in Tip-Top Shape from Our Dentists

August 18th, 2016

5 Unusual Tips to Keep Your Gums in Tip-Top Shape from Our DentistsThink flossing and brushing are the only paths to healthy gums? While doing both of these things is essential to the health of your gums, there are a lot of other ways you can keep your gums as healthy as possible. We asked our dentists at Water Tower Dental Care to share some of the most effective tips for keeping your gums healthy that you might not have heard before. Here are 5 unusual tips to keep your gums in tip-top shape from our dentists!

Scrape your tongue

Tongue scrapers aren’t just for bad breath. The bacteria on your tongue that causes bad breath can also spread to your gums and cause serious damage, leading to periodontal disease, gum infections and gum recession. With its ridges, small bumps and moist surface, your tongue offers the perfect place for bacteria to grow. You want to make sure to scrape the bacteria off of your tongue to keep it from spreading. Using a tongue scraper will also keep your breath smelling fresh.

Rub essential oils on your gums

Essential oils are described as essential for a reason: they are extremely important for our health. We’ve found that essential oils work wonders on our patients’ gums. We use PerioScience Essential Oils in the form of a gel. Rubbing these natural oils on your gums every evening after you brush and floss can help keep your breath fresh, soothe your gums, keep bacteria away, and prevent gingivitis.

Chew gum

Chewing gum can keep your gums in great shape! But you can’t just chew any old gum. The xylitol in gum is what really keeps your gums healthy. Look for a sugar-free gum with xylitol. Since bacteria can’t digest xylitol like it digest sugar, it won’t grow from xylitol. Xylitol also actively works to keep the pH level neutral in your mouth. The less acidic your pH levels are, the less bacteria will be able to grow, which means less of a risk of gingivitis and gum disease. Xylitol also helps to keep bacteria off your teeth, which can damage your gums.
Along with chewing gum, you can find xylitol in toothpaste, mouthwash, candy, and mints.

Wash your mouth out with antimicrobial mouth rinse

Bacteria are your gums’ number one enemy. Antimicrobial mouth rinses destroy the bacteria that cause gum disease until they are almost completely gone. These rinses are much more effective than over-the-counter mouthwashes. We typically only suggest antimicrobial mouth rinses to patients who suffer with moderate to severe periodontal disease. Feel free to contact us to see if you would benefit from antimicrobial mouthwash.

Take oral probiotics specifically for your mouth

Probiotics are no longer used only for digestive and immune health. There are now probiotics designed specifically for oral health that can improve the health of your gums! Oral probiotics stimulate the production of healthy bacteria that keep your gums and mouth healthy. They also help to battle bad breath.
We hope you use these unusual tips alongside your normal brushing, flossing and rinsing routine to make your gums even healthier! Check out our dentists’ unusual tips for keeping your teeth healthy. We’re always here to help put you on a path to a healthier mouth!