teeth misalignment

Cosmetic Dental Veneers: What They Are and How They Help

February 19th, 2015

Cosmetic Dental Veneers: What They Are and How They HelpWhen the word cosmetic is used, most people immediately think of vanity, and changing your appearance for aesthetic reasons, rather than functional ones. However, when it comes to cosmetic veneers, there are many helpful reasons why one would want them, other than cosmetic reasons. Here’s how cosmetic veneers can do more than give you a better-looking smile.

What Are Cosmetic Dental Veneers?

Veneers are paper-thin shells custom made to be placed over your teeth to improve their appearance. Depending on the condition of your teeth, this can add a variety of benefits.

What Do Cosmetic Dental Veneers Do?

They Can Close Spaces Between Teeth
When teeth are spaced too far apart, food and bacteria can easily stick between the teeth and wedge itself into the upper or lower gums, creating feeding areas and open pockets for bacteria to thrive. This is one of the main causes of gum disease. Cosmetic dental veneers can make it harder for food to find itself in between your teeth.
Before and After Cosmetic Dental VeneersThey Can Repair Chipped Teeth
While never an immediate problem, a chipped tooth can lead to more complicated issues. If the tooth chips and becomes jagged, it can cut the tongue or gums very easily. If the chip is more severe, it can make the tooth more prone to a fracture, which can seriously damage it. A chipped tooth is easily covered and protected with veneers.
They Can Protect from Discoloration
While this may sound like a cosmetic issue, often teeth are discolored because of a buildup of plaque or from the wearing away of enamel. Both reasons are bad for your teeth. Plaque buildup can lead to tooth decay and gum disease while loss of enamel can damage the under layer of a tooth known as dentin. Covering the teeth with veneers (after a thorough cleaning, of course) can help protect the teeth from these issues.
They Can Help with Minor Misalignment of Teeth
While extremely misaligned teeth may need braces, minimal misalignment with minor issues can often be fixed with veneers. When the dentist molds a custom set of veneers for your teeth, they can often work to correct the minor issues of misalignment. This is helpful because misalignment, even if minor, can often offer areas of exposed gums for food and bacteria to wedge themselves into, another cause of periodontal and gum disease.
All of these are helpful ways that veneers can help your teeth, not to mention they can change a faded smile into a fresh looking pearly whites.

How Do They Work?

Cosmetic dental veneers are actually quite simple and can be prepared and placed on a patient’s teeth in a matter of weeks. Digital photos are taken of the teeth and altered to show how veneers would look over them. A temporary acrylic mold is made to mimic the look of the veneers for the patient to wear. Once approved, a permanent version of the veneers are made from porcelain and placed on the patient’s teeth. Simple as that!
If you’re interested in porcelain cosmetic dental veneers for cosmetic or functional reasons, do not hesitate to contact Water Tower Dental. We would be happy to have you in for a consultation that can help you get on the path to a better smile.