​5 Tips On How To Keep Your Teeth Healthy In The Chicago Summer

chicago summerSummer is just around the corner! Are you ready to take in all that summer in Chicago has to offer? With all the hustle and bustle of the city, it can be pretty easy to lose your routines, like your oral health. By being conscious about your oral health, you will be more inclined to continue your good habits even though the weather, and the city, are beckoning as the whether begins to warm up. Here are five tips to help you keep your teeth healthy this summer in Chicago!

Limit Sugary Drinks

When you are strolling around the Water Tower Place or Millennium Park this summer, try to limit the sugary drinks you have - there are lots of slushy machines and drink carts just waiting to quench your thirst and keep you hydrated, but try to resist drinking too much sugar. As you know, sugar causes cavities and decay, and you don’t want to roll into the autumn season having to visit the dentist, now do you? If possible, substitute soda for water, or drink through a straw to help minimize the sugar effects on your teeth.

Don’t Forget to Brush

It seems ridiculous to remind grown men and women to brush their teeth, but when the weather gets nice, you’re going to be so excited to get out of the house and do all there is to do that you’ll likely forget to do more than just brush your teeth. When you visit the city, try to maintain some semblance of routine so that your oral health doesn’t go by the wayside. Long days on the beach can lead to naps, and naps can sometimes turn into staying in for the night. So make sure once you get home from a long day out, you take the time to brush your teeth before laying down to relax.

Make Healthy Choices

While visiting Streeterville, Chicago, you will be tempted by many amazing dining establishments and food carts and vendors. There is lots to enjoy and lots of food to try, but remember to make healthy choices. Eating good, clean, healthy foods is good for your oral health and overall well-being. Just because you are enjoying the big city doesn’t mean you have to wreak havoc on your routines. Try the foods you really want to try and then steer clear of the rest. Remember not to drink your calories and stay away from really sugary drinks. An easy way to stay on track with your healthy lifestyle is to eat vegetables with every meal you order. Enjoy your vegetables first and then enjoy smaller amounts of the other foods you wanted to try. It all adds up to help keep you healthy and happy this summer!

Protect Yourself and Your Mouth

When you make your way to Millennium Park in the heart of Chicago, don’t be surprised by the sheer number of people that are enjoying themselves there! It’s an amazing place, but you need to be careful not to hurt yourself if you get a spontaneous game of touch football going, or another fun sport. Wear protective mouthpieces if you engage in any kind of aggressive activity: you don’t want to be spending your summer days in the hospital or dental chair. Be safe, and you won’t have anything to worry about. The same goes for the rest of your body: be sure to wear the proper equipment when you are cycling, walking, or running this summer in Chicago. Don’t leave that bike helmet at home.

Don’t Use Your Teeth as Tools

BBQ's are a great way to enjoy the weather while hanging out with family and friends, but sometimes we get a little too relaxed and don't feel like standing up to go find things that we may need... like a bottle opener for instance. Don’t use your teeth as a bottle opener: this can cause a lot of damage to your teeth, and they could even crack. Similar to the touch football from this afternoon, don’t put yourself in harms way just for the sake of putting yourself in harm's way! You are going to need those teeth to bite into the amazing food throughout the Chicagoland area this summer. Take that extra 30 seconds to stand up, stretch your legs, and walk over to find the bottle opener. Your relaxation will end pretty quickly if you crack your teeth on a bottle cap.

Whether you are making your way to Chicago for a weekend getaway, or you live here year-round, you’ll find an incredible array of activities, entertainment, shows, events, concerts, food establishments and more. There is something for everyone in the Windy City! But before you go hog wild and forget about your health, remember to make a plan to ensure you are taking care of yourself throughout your time in Chicago this summer. Don’t open bottles with your teeth, use mouth guards if you are engaging in random sports, try to make healthy choices or at least, healthier than you would normally pick at a restaurant, remember to brush your teeth and try to limit the amount of sugary drinks you purchase this summer. If you keep your oral health, and overall well-being in the back of your mind, you’ll have an even better time in Chicago than if something happened that caused you to break, chip, or hurt your teeth.