Getting That Perfect Smile

getting that perfect smileThere is a lot to say about a smile that communicates your emotions precisely. It doesn’t always mean happy, either. A smile can communicate mischief, fear, doubt, surprise, and many other emotions. So how do you know if your smile is delivering the right message? First, you must find your perfect smile: the natural way you smile that makes you feel confident you’re communicating the right message. Here are our tips to getting that perfect smile.

Practice Smiling

It may seem silly, but if you want your smile to look they way you hope, you need to practice smiling. Try practicing before or after you brush and floss your teeth. Let it come naturally, what do you like about your smile and what don’t you like? If you change the aspects of your smile (more or less teeth, higher or lower grin), do you like your smile more? Find what feels comfortable and makes you feel confident. Then, remember the way your muscles and face feel in that smile and practice it several more times.

Use Your Eyes

Many forget that the most natural smiles don’t just involve the teeth; they also involve your eyes. A natural, confident smile will draw in the eyes for what is known as a Duchenne smile. This is a smile you cannot fake; it’s your most honest smile.
Consider practicing your smile while only taking notice to the eyes. Cover your mouth even and try to find the emotion that your eyes are conveying. If they don’t look convincing, try other ways of smiling. Think of something that makes you genuinely happy and look at your eyes. When you find a smile that uses your eyes to create a Duchenne smile, practice smiling that way. Though a true Duchenne smile cannot be faked, your muscle memory can help you smile correctly when the time comes.

Smile More Often

The more you smile, the easier it will come, and the more confident you’ll look. Confidence is a main element to the perfect smile. If one is unsure of the way they smile, they can confuse others with how they’re smiling. If you have become used to the way you smile and feel confident about it, others will see that and interpret it.
As well, when you’re feeling down, smiling can often elicit happy emotions. While it may feel odd to force a smile when you don’t feel like smiling, over time, you’ll start to feel happy.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Many don’t like to smile because they don’t feel confident with their teeth and oral appearance. Practicing good oral hygiene including brushing and flossing can help melt these fears away. Other ways to boost your oral confidence are:

  • Visit your dentist once every six months for regular cleanings. This will help your teeth stay white, keep plaque off of them, and help detect any further issues you may have.
  • If you have constant trouble with stained teeth, first consider a few lifestyle changes before those over the counter whiteners. Slow down on consumption of coffee, red wine, and especially cigarettes. If you cut down on teeth-staining foods, but still want whiter teeth, consult your dentist for truly effective ways of whitening them.
  • If you have crooked teeth that you would like to fix, consider Invisalign braces. Your dentist can fit you for a set that are much less noticeable than regular braces and can have your teeth looking perfect in no time.
  • Make sure to keep your lips moisturized as to not look chapped.
  • Last, make sure to address any bad breath issues. Mouthwashes and tongue scrapers are a great way of dealing with the bacteria that harbors bad breath. However, if you still experience problems, visit your dentist, as it may be a cause from a bigger issue.

Getting that perfect smile is not easy. With practice, confidence, and a little help from oral hygiene, you can make sure to have a smile that makes others want to do the same.