white sox

Cubs vs. White Sox: Which Chicago Mascot Has Better Teeth?

September 22nd, 2016

Cubs vs White Sox: Which Chicago Mascot Has Better Teeth?There’s nothing like a little Chicago crosstown rivalry to get the blood boiling. While we’ll leave the big game analysis up to the professional players, we’re here to compare the teams in a new, but equally important way: by their mascot’s teeth. After all, who wants to follow a team that represents bad dental health?

White Sox: Southpaw

White Sox definitely wins the award for one of the most random mascots. Southpaw, the White Sox’s mascot, is not an alligator, frog, or a dirty sock, despite people’s assumptions. In reality, he’s just a big, strong green guy with big love for the Chicago White Sox.

But what about his dental health?

We can’t actually see Southpaw’s teeth, which is not typically normal for such a big guy. According to the White Sox website, his favorite foods are fruits and veggies, so he’s on the right track for having great teeth (and he definitely needs teeth to eat these things). But we’re worried that his teeth are too small for his mouth. We’d recommend dental veneers to lengthen the teeth or maybe even braces to move his teeth down and allow them to be more visible.

Get to know Southpaw more here!

Cubs: Clark

When it comes to teeth, the Chicago Cubs mascot, Clark the cub, has an advantage: He’s young. Just like most parts of your body, your teeth get older as you get older. You may lose enamel as you age, making your teeth weaker. And your teeth will inevitably get worn down thanks to chewing and bad habits, like grinding or chewing ice.

There’s no doubt about it - Clark’s teeth are amazing. They are beautifully sharp, straight and white. We’re not sure what Clark’s eating or what his oral hygiene routine is, but we hope he keeps it up as he gets older. He’s on the right track.

Get to know Clark more here!

Final Score: Which Chicago Mascot Has the Best Teeth?

Without Clark and Southpaw coming into Water Tower Dental Care for an appointment, it’s hard to judge the health of their teeth. But only taking their appearance into consideration, we have to give Clark the Cub the award for Mascot with the Best Teeth in Chicago. They are the perfect size for his mouth and look strong and healthy.

Southpaw, when it comes to food, it sounds like you’re eating the right food for healthy teeth. We just hope that your teeth are large and strong enough to stay healthy for years to come!

Want to see how your teeth stack up to these iconic Chicago mascots? Schedule an appointment with Water Tower Dental Care today! We’ll help you get on the path to a healthy and beautiful smile.