acidic food

How to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity During Chicago's Winter

November 17th, 2016

How to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity During Chicago's WinterDental hypersensitivity, also known as sensitive teeth, happens because of receding gums and/or because the enamel protecting the teeth has somehow become thinner. Brushing too hard can push back the gums and expose the roots of teeth, while acidic food and drinks, such as wine, can weaken the structure of the enamel and cause sensitivity. You know your teeth are sensitive when it’s painful to consume hot or cold foods and beverages.

In addition to certain food, did you know that breathing in the cold air can also trigger sensitivity? If you're in Chicago, where the winter temperature can reach -20 or lower, tooth sensitivity can be worsened by chilly air. Here are some ways for you to enjoy holiday treats and breathe in the winter air without worrying about painful teeth.

Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth

There are numerous types of toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. Some of them are also formulated to whiten teeth and prevent cavities. This kind of toothpaste works to coat your enamel and lessen the sensitivity that your nerves feel. Look for American Dental Association (ADA) approved toothpaste brands with fluoride, potassium nitrate, or strontium chloride. Your dental care provider can also use professional strength toothpaste for additional relief and protection from hypersensitivity.

Use a Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments in toothpaste or mouth rinse can prevent sensitivity. Fluoride reinforces the enamel to resist food acid and it also prevents tooth decay. Fluoride intake is important for children, as their permanent teeth erupt, but adults can still use fluoride treatments for overall oral health. While there are over-the-counter fluoride treatments available, their concentrations are lower than professional treatments provided by dentists. Whichever option you choose, fluoride treatments can still benefit you even as an adult.

Treat Receding Gums

If your gums are receding from aggressive brushing or gum disease, visit your dentist to discuss treatment options. Make sure to maintain good oral hygiene. Your periodontist may recommend deep cleaning or, in worst cases, surgery (gingivoplasty) to correct your gums. Treating receded gums can protect your roots and prevent tooth loss.

Avoid Over-Brushing

The recommended number of brushing is two times—first thing in the morning and before bedtime. Brush for two minutes using a soft bristle toothbrush. Avoid brushing immediately after meals. The acids in the food and drink we consume weaken our teeth and brushing right after will only strip the teeth of more minerals, therefore resulting in more sensitivity.

After meals, rinse using water to neutralize the mouth’s pH balance and let saliva break down the acids and sugars first. If you must brush, wait at least 30 minutes after eating to do so. Learn more about how to avoid over-brushing here!

Avoid Acidic and Sugary Food and Drinks

Make conscious choices about your diet to prevent cavity formation and enamel breakdown. Avoid eating sugary food like candy and drinking carbonated drinks, such as sodas. Wine is highly acidic, but if you pair cheese with it, the cheese's enzymes help break down the acids. Choose food high in phosphorus such as fatty fish and tofu, and low-acid fruits like apples and bananas.

Get Your Teeth Checked Out

See your dentist once or twice a year for checkup and cleaning. You may need to visit more often if you are prone to getting frequent cavities or if you have a gum disease. Your dentist can provide you with a combination of solutions if you suffer from sensitive teeth. Dental appointments are crucial for your oral health. Until then, brave the Chicago winter with these tips to reduce sensitive teeth.

We hope these tips help you face Chicago’s chilly winter with a grin! If you struggle with sensitive teeth, it’s very important to see a dentist to find out what’s at the root of your sensitivity problem. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with Chicago’s number one dentistry, Water Tower Dental Care, today!

Translucent Teeth: How to Fix Before it Gets Worse

May 19th, 2016

Translucent Teeth: How to Fix Before it Gets WorseTeeth are called pearly whites for a reason. They should be white - not see-through. Along with affecting your appearance, translucent teeth can also signal that something more serious is going on with your teeth. Teeth typically begin to appear translucent when enamel is thinning.

Causes of Translucent Teeth

Wonder why your teeth are becoming ghost-like? It could be a result of acid erosion. If you’re not taking proper care of your teeth, acids in your food and drinks can begin to eat away at your enamel. Very acidic foods include soda, pickles, red wine, tomatoes, and citrus fruits.
Translucent teeth due to thinning enamel isn’t always your fault. Several conditions can cause this issue as well. If you have severe enamel hypoplasia, your enamel will lose minerals and your teeth will appear translucent. This condition is a side effect of both genetic and environmental factors, and occurs when your teeth are developing. Celiac disease can also lead to issues with the development of your enamel. Finally, conditions like bulimia, morning sickness and acid reflux (GERD) can cause acids to erode your tooth enamel.
As you can see, enamel erosion or thinning can be caused by a wide variety of factors. It’s best to visit your dentist to figure out exactly why you’re experiencing translucent teeth so that you can halt the thinning as soon as possible.

How to Fix Translucent Teeth

Once your enamel is gone, it can’t regrow naturally. However, there are some ways the doctor can remineralize your teeth and make them appear whiter and brighter again.

  • Before and After Enamel Remineralization Treatment in ChicagoEnamel Remineralization: During enamel remineralization, your doctor will open up the “pores” in your teeth and penetrate the tooth with calcium phosphate, sodium fluoride and Recaldent. This combination of ingredients will act like enamel by improving the appearance, strength and sensitivity of the tooth. Not only will your teeth be whiter, but they will also be more resistant to acid erosion and decay, will be less sensitive and have less white spots, or none at all. You can see a picture of one of our patient’s teeth before and after enamel remineralization to the right.
  • Veneers: If you want to purely improve the appearance of your teeth, veneers will take the translucency out of your smile. Veneers are simply placed on top of your teeth to cover up the translucent color. You can either choose to receive either traditional porcelain veneers or time-saving minimal prep veneers, depending on your needs and budget.

Steps to Prevent this Problem

While you can’t prevent enamel hypoplasia or celiac disease, you can prevent acid erosion from foods or from conditions like bulimia, acid reflux and morning sickness. Immediately after you eat acidic foods, throw up or experience acid reflux, it’s important that you wash your mouth out with water. Do not brush your teeth right away. Since acids make your enamel more vulnerable, brushing immediately could do more harm to your enamel. Wait at least 30 minutes before you brush, and use mouthwash to ensure you wash all of the acids away.
Worried about your translucent teeth? Don’t be afraid to call Chicago’s #1 dentistry, Water Tower Dental Care. We’ll be happy to discuss what may be happening to your teeth and put together a treatment plan for you. You’ll be on the path to a healthy set of pearly whites in no time!

Chicago's Iconic Food Showdown: Which Chicago Food Is Worst For Your Teeth?

January 28th, 2016

Chicago's Iconic Food Showdown: Which Chicago Food Is Worst For Your Teeth?When it comes to food, there’s really no end to deliciousness in Chicago. From world famous pizza to the Puerto Rican-inspired jibarito, regional specialties have prospered in the Windy City. This week, we’re going to take a look at Chicago’s three most iconic foods and see how good they are for your teeth. Let’s do this.

Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza

The most envied and renowned of all Chicago’s food offerings is by far its treasured deep dish pizza. In Chicago, pizza isn’t some sort of snack or late-night afterthought. It’s a hearty meal baked in a deep pan and piled with gooey cheese, rich tomato sauce and other delicious ingredients.
But is it good for your teeth? Yes and no. Cheese is one of your teeth’s best friends, providing your pearly whites with calcium, phosphates and vitamin D. These minerals help reduce your risk of tooth decay, guard your teeth from acid and help your enamel stabilize and repair itself.
The bad news for your teeth comes in the form of tomato sauce. Tomatoes are highly acidic. If you eat pizza too often or you let pizza sit in your mouth for a while, the acids from the tomatoes can start breaking down your enamel. The starch in pizza can also be easily converted to enamel-eroding sugars.
Conclusion: Though Chicago’s pizza has a bunch of tooth-loving cheese in it, it also has lots of starch and tomato sauce. It’s not the worst food for your teeth, but it’s definitely not the best. Thankfully, your teeth will be just fine as long as long as you eat pizza in moderation.

Chicago-Style Hot Dogs

Unlike most of the United States, it’s a cardinal sin to put ketchup on a hot dog in Chicago. The typical Chicago-style hot dog is made up an all-beef hot dog, steamed poppy seed bun, yellow mustard, tomato wedges, hot peppers, a pickle spear, chopped onions, celery salt, and relish. We like to call it a little piece of heaven.
So now let’s break it down into the good and bad for your mouth. The all-beef hot dog is all-good for your teeth. Meats are packed with phosphorus, a mineral that helps to keep your enamel protected. It also has calcium, which we know is great for our teeth. Unfortunately, the starchy bun contains sugars that will attack your enamel, and pickles are one of the worst foods for your teeth.
Conclusion: If you cut out some of the hot dog toppings that are bad for your teeth, like pickles, pickled relish and tomato wedges, you’ll have a dog that’s actually pretty good for your mouth. Some Chicagoans may call this a sin, but we call it a toothy upgrade.

Italian Beef

In Chicago, there’s nothing juicier than Italian beef. It doesn’t get better than sandwiches packed with thin slices of roast beef on top of an Italian-style roll dripping with meat juices. You might top the sandwich off with Chicago-style giardiniera (Italian-American relish) or friggitello.
Again, the phosphorus beef is great for your teeth. But if the giardiniera or friggitello is pickled in vinegar, it’s not so good for your teeth. The acids from the vinegar will aggressively eat away at your enamel if you eat too many pickled veggies or fruits.
Conclusion: Knock off the pickled toppings and you’ve got a Chicago-style food item that’s pretty good for your teeth! Since Italian beef is mostly made up of lots and lots of beef, and beef is tooth-friendly, your teeth will happily munch on this one.

Final Thoughts

We’ll have to give the title of “worst Chicago-style food for your teeth” to Chicago-style hot dogs. The starchy bun and official toppings won’t make your pearly whites any healthier. However, as long as you don’t eat a dog a day and practice proper oral hygiene, your teeth will be just fine. Munching on these Chicago delights every once in awhile won’t do your teeth any significant harm.

Is Lemon Juice Actually Bad For Your Teeth?

January 7th, 2016

Is Lemon Juice Actually Bad For Your Teeth?When it’s mixed with something, lemon is one of the most refreshing flavors out there. There’s nothing like sipping on a cold glass of lemonade under the sun, or drinking a cup of hot lemon water on a rainy morning. Unfortunately, your enamel doesn’t think lemon is as tasty as your tastebuds do. In fact, your teeth react to it pretty sourly. Though lemon juice can taste good and has some health benefits, it’s pretty bad for your teeth if it comes into contact with them. Let’s take a look at why now.

Why Is Lemon Juice Bad for Your Teeth?

Lemon juice is one of the most erosive ingredients out there. During a study comparing fruit juices and beverages published in the Journal of Endourology, lemon juice had the highest citric acid content of all the juices studied. Acids are your enamel’s biggest enemy. When you eat a lemon or drink lemon juice, the acids from the juice stick to your teeth and wear away your enamel. The acids also help feed bacteria to form plaque and tartar, which lead to cavities.

So What’s A Lemon Good For?

Just because lemons are bad for your teeth doesn’t mean you should avoid them forever. Lemons are very nutritious. Lemon juice contains pectin fibre, calcium and potassium, and is a great source of Vitamin C.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of tissues throughout your body. It’s also an antioxidant. Antioxidants may help to fight off physical aging and health issues including cancer, arthritis and heart disease. Lemon juice also improves digestion, according to Global Healing Center.

How To Stop Your Teeth From Going Sour Because of Lemon Juice

Because we love your teeth so much, we recommend switching to regular water instead of a beverage with lemon juice for your everyday drink of choice. Lemon juice really can do severe damage to your teeth over time, and you can get the nutrients from someplace else!

If you continue to drink lemon juice regularly, you can easily limit the damage it does to your teeth. Here are just a few ideas!

  • Use a straw while drinking beverages with lemon juice. Try to make sure the liquid goes directly into your throat rather than sitting in your mouth. The goal is to keep it from coming into contact with your teeth.

  • If you do drink a beverage with lemon juice without using a straw, drink water too. The water should wash away some of the acids that are trying to stick onto your teeth.

  • Don’t brush your teeth right after you’re done drinking lemon juice. Since your enamel is weakened by the lemon’s acids, brushing can easily damage your teeth. Instead, wait about 30 minutes to an hour before brushing.

  • Immediately rinse out your mouth with water or mouthwash. Since you shouldn’t brush your teeth after consuming lemon juice, washing out your mouth is the next best thing. Swishing with water or mouthwash after you’re done will help to wash away the acids.

  • Visit a dentist to see if your lemon juice habits are affecting your teeth. This way, you’ll know whether you should stop. If lemon juice has already significantly damaged your teeth, we can help with Enamel Remineralization Treatment!

Got any more questions about lemon juice and your teeth? Contact Chicago’s number one general and cosmetic dentistry! We’d love to help you keep your teeth as healthy and strong as possible.


Is Eating After Brushing Your Teeth Bad For You?

August 20th, 2015

Is Eating After Brushing Your Teeth Bad For You?Many people think they should brush their teeth right after they eat. At first glance, this seems to make sense. If you brush your teeth after a meal, you should keep your teeth healthy by getting rid of the food in your mouth, right?
Actually, that’s not always the best option. Like most things in life, deciding when the best time is to brush your teeth isn’t so black and white. It really depends on what you’re eating. In fact, if you brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic food, you can cause irreversible damage to your pearly whites. Let’s take a look at the best times for you to brush your teeth so that you can keep them as healthy as possible and avoid damaging them.

When To Brush Your Teeth After Eating

In most cases, it’s best to brush your teeth after eating a meal rather than before. After you eat food, bad bacteria can form that cause acids to eat away at your enamel. These acids attack your teeth for at least 20 minutes after you eat your food. This is especially true when you eat food that is high in carbohydrates and sugars.
When you brush your teeth with toothpaste right after you eat, you get rid of a lot of the bacteria that could otherwise cause cavities. This is why many dentists suggest brushing your teeth after every meal. Make sure to brush with a correct technique, and don’t brush too hard or with a toothbrush with overly strong bristles.

When To Brush Your Teeth Before Eating

There is an exception to the brushing-your-teeth-after-eating rule. When you drink or eat something that is acidic, like orange, grapefruit or lemon, you shouldn’t brush your teeth right afterwards. The acids that these foods contain weaken your tooth enamel directly after they are in contact your teeth. If you brush your teeth while your enamel is in this weakened state, you can damage your teeth by removing enamel. Mayo Clinic recommends waiting at least 30 minutes to brush your teeth after you’ve consumed an acidic food or drink.
Instead of waiting to brush your teeth after you’ve eaten acidic food or drink, you can brush your teeth beforehand. When you brush your teeth before you eat acidic food, you reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth. That means less bacteria will be around before you feed your mouth, and consequently the remaining bacteria as well, with sugars, which cause the bacteria to grow. After you’ve brushed your teeth and eaten your acidic food, you should drink a glass of water to get rid of any remaining acids.
While it’s important to eat acidic fruits, it’s best to avoid unhealthy and unnecessary acids that can ruin your teeth, such as those found in soft drinks. If you stick to a healthy diet filled with food that is good for your teeth and practice proper oral hygiene, your teeth (and your dentist) will thank you.

Foods to Avoid if You Have Sensitive Teeth

February 12th, 2015

Foods to Avoid if You Have Sensitive TeethSensitive teeth can be caused by a number of issues including an exposed nerve, a fractured or worn tooth, and receding gums. While visiting a dentist is the best way to prevent most of these issues, you can avoid the pain that is associated with sensitive teeth by limiting certain foods and drinks. Here are the most common types of food that can agitate your teeth and cause a lot of pain.

Foods To Avoid If You Have Sensitive Teeth:

Hot and Cold Food

Many of the foods that can cause pain to sensitive teeth are not caused by the specific food but by the temperature of the food. Extremely cold or hot foods can cause pain on the fractured tooth or teeth. Ice cream and cold drinks can cause pain, but the worst is chewing ice. Hot coffee and tea along with hot soup are warmer foods and drinks that can cause sensitive teeth to be aggravated. The best solution is to avoid these types of food and opt for meals with less extreme temperatures.

Acidic Food

Acidic foods such as citrus fruits, like lemons and oranges, along with vinegar-based foods, like pickles and olives, can often cause sensitive teeth and can make the pain that comes along with sensitive teeth worse. Acidic foods wear away at the enamel of the tooth which can make the problem worse.

Sugary Candies

Most kinds of candy will cause discomfort for sensitive teeth. Hard candies such as suckers and peppermints, which people tend to bite down on, can create further damage to your teeth along with causing strong pains. Furthermore, chewy candies such as gummy bears and licorice can get stuck inside open cavities and under gums, which will cause discomfort.
While certain foods can cause pain to your teeth, there are other foods that can help relieve discomfort.

Food That is Good for Sensitive Teeth:

Dairy Food

Milks, cheeses, yogurt, and other dairy products contain a protective protein layer known as casein. This protein acts as a shield from acidic elements that tend to hurt the teeth. As well, casein is able to keep minerals essential to healthy teeth from leaving the tooth.

Oxalate-Rich Food

Oxalic acid is in many nutrient-rich foods, such as spinach, carrots, and radishes. It is what causes the fuzzy feeling on your teeth when eating. This feeling is oxalate crystals precipitating on your teeth, which helps plug up dentinal tubules. This is the area where pain starts. Try eating foods rich in oxalic acid to help stop pain and reverse the causes of the sensitive teeth.
Of course, the best way to prevent sensitive teeth is by proper oral hygiene practices and visiting your dentist at least twice a year. Properly flossing once a day and brushing your teeth at least twice a day are great ways to help prevent your teeth from becoming too sensitive.
If you are experiencing a noticeable amount of discomfort in your mouth when chewing any of the types of food above, it is recommended you visit your dentist to determine the cause of the aching before it becomes a bigger problem than necessary. If you have more questions about teeth sensitivity, contact Water Tower Dental today, we’re happy to help!